Marcel Marceau, mime

Marcel Marceau Marcel Marceau’s Videos, Books, and more

marcel marceauMarcel Mangel (March 22, 1923 – September 22, 2007), better known by his stage name Marcel Marceau, was a well-known mime artist, among the most popular representatives of this art form world-wide.

Marceau passed away on September 22, 2007. He died of a heart attack in his house of Cahors (France); he was 84.


I hate mimes. But, never gave them a chance. I guess I am close minded. So, I am willing to give it a shot and learn more about the world of mime just for the sake of Celebrating Marcel Marceau’s life.

I know one of his quotes – "Don’t let the mime speak they will not stop" (something like that)

I knew of his name for some reason the name Marcel Marceau was very familiar to me. I didn’t know it was a name of a world famous mime.

If you look at the youtube clips of him you can tell Marcel is a good mime (and very popular). I wouldn’t mind seeing his show.

God bless Marcel Marceau
